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Mongolian death worm: its venom corrodes metal

When we talk of cryptozoology and cryptids we...

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The mysterious monster in the Congo River: Mokele Mbembe

Deep in the Congo River Basin, hidden away in remote forests and river systems, lives a creature that has been spoken of for centuries. It’s an elusive monster with a long, serpentine body...

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Ancient extinct predator: saber-toothed tiger

In the distant past, creatures frightening with their majesty lived on Earth - saber-toothed tigers. Their appearance, with long fangs and piercing eyes, evokes awe and still terrifies our...

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The most dangerous monkey in Earth's history: Dinopithecus, the great and terrible

Now we will tell you about Dinopithecus, that is, about extinct giant monkeys that inhabited our planet millions of years ago. Their enormous size and aggressive nature made them truly unique...

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