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The former Academy of Internal Affairs, where the Russian Armed Forces were based, was hit

The base of the Russian invaders, where the ammunition hit, was located on the territory of the former Didorenko LAVD (Yubileiny village). In Lugansk, which has been...

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“The Kremlin was shocked” – key figures in the partnership with the Russian Federation died in a plane crash in Iran

The plane crash in Iran and the death of the president and the head of the Foreign Ministry are a heavy blow to Russia’s positions, depriving it of a serious...

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The Ukrainian Armed Forces showed the “cemetery” of Russian tanks near Solovyevo

Solovyevo is located on the Avdeevsky direction south of Ocheretinoye - an attempt to break through the Ukrainian defense ended in a fiasco for the...

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Hybrid alien skull discovered on the Nazca plateau in Peru

The French archaeologist who discovered it reported that the DNA of these skulls did not belong to people and that their DNA map was someone else's. Many claim that...

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Ukraine. Battle for Chasov Yar. Russian troops unsuccessfully storm the city (video)

Chasov Yar, Donetsk region. There are no Russian occupiers in the city. For 3 days in a row, the invaders attack with armored groups of up to 20 units. On the morning...

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Ukraine, Kharkov direction. A Russian mercenary from Africa tries to fight off a Ukrainian UAV with a stick

During the offensive in the Kharkov region, Russia threw an African mercenary corps into battle. They have already begun to suffer significant losses, the ATESH...

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A funeral service store in Bryansk, Russia, buried Sergei Shoigu

It’s better for Shoigu not to fly on planes in the near future. And don't drink tea. And it’s better not to change your panties either. Let us remind you:...

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Odessa. Ukrainian air defense shoots down the Shahed UAV

Single-engine unmanned aerial vehicle of the Iranian company Shahed Aviation Industries. Designed for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Iranian UAVs are...

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The owner helps the gecko get rid of old skin

In this video, the lizard's owner helps a gecko get rid of its old skin. An adult gecko sheds approximately once a month. The old skin peels off the gecko like a...

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British flamethrower training during World War I. 1915

The first backpack flamethrower was created by the German scientist Richard Fiedler in 1901. During the First World War, the Germans used them widely. The flamethrower...

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