The former Academy of Internal Affairs, where the Russian Armed Forces were based, was hit

The former Academy of Internal Affairs, where the Russian Armed Forces were based, was hit

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The base of the Russian invaders, where the ammunition hit, was located on the territory of the former Didorenko LAVD (Yubileiny village). In Lugansk, which has been under the control of the Russian Federation and the illegal armed groups “LPR” since 2014, powerful explosions were heard near the village of Yubileiny (Yubileiny). At the same time, at least one of the strikes hit the building of the former Lugansk Academy of Internal Affairs named after Eduard Didorenko, the Tribune reports. 

Correspondents, citing local residents, write that there were about 8 explosions in Lugansk today, and the vaunted Russian air defense went off only once. Also published on the Internet were photographs of the remains of a French SCALP missile after an explosion near the location of the Russian occupiers. But at the same time, given where they were found (in occupied Lugansk), it is still impossible to say unequivocally that these “material evidence” are genuine. 

It is known that in 2014, the pro-Russian armed forces of the “LPR”, represented by both local militants and a large number of visiting Russian citizens, seized the territory of the Luhansk Academy of Internal Affairs and since then have turned it into their own military base. In 2022, against the backdrop of a full-scale invasion, Russian soldiers occupied this facility “officially,” continuing to deploy their occupation forces there.

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